1. Every coconut has 3 "eyes", and one is soft. Poke a large hole in the soft eye with a knife and pour out All of the coconut water and reserve.
2. Put the coconut in a 350 degree oven for 20 minutes. It will make it easy to open.
3. Let the coconut cool and take a hammer or mallet and pound very hard until the coconut breaks open.
(there will be two brown layers that need to be removed)
4. Take a strong knife and pop out the flesh from the outside furry shell. It is kinda hard so be careful and don't stab yourself. You will be left the white flesh with a brown skin on the outside. (again two layers of brown)
5. Peel the brown skin from the white flesh (this will take some time)
6. Grate the flesh with a micro plane, or stick it in the food processor and set for the "finely grated" or "shred" setting.
7. Take your reserved coconut water and microwave it until hot. Pour into the bowl of grated coconut. Cover the coconut with more hot water and mash mash mash. The coconut water and extra water will turn white like milk. Refrigerate the milk or store it how you like, it's okay to drink at this point (If you refrigerate it, it will separate leaving a thick cream on top).
8. Put the grated coconut into a towel and squeeze the access liquid out, then place coconut on a cookie sheet spread out and bake at 250 degrees until dry (you might have to stir it around or two times to dry it all out).
9. And there you have it! Homemade unsweetened coconut and coconut milk!
Wow, way to go. My aunt makes her own coconut milk - she's Thai. I don't remember it taking her that long. Maybe she did it differently. Good work.