Monday, June 14, 2010

#116 Cacciatore Burgers

I love chicken burgers and my favorite is a Teryaki or BBQ chicken burger with some grilled pineapple. But, this was pretty high up there. If you could imagine Chicken Parmesan without the sauce in a burger. It tasted just like Chicken Parmesan. So whatever you put in your chicken Parmesan use that as a marinate (not the Parmesan). Then when it's almost done on the grill or broiler, pile on your Parmesan cheese and when that starts to brown, top with sliced provolone or mozzarella cheese. Slather a mixture or garlic, melted butter, and oregano on the buns and toast them (ALL THE WAY, mine got soggy because I was too impatient and they didn't toast in the middle). It would have been SOOOO good with a side of marinara sauce to dip the burger in. It felt so wrong not to have it, like it was missing something. In fact if you make it, you wouldn't be able to pull it off without the marinara sauce. I had a bag of Caesar salad and altogether this made a good hefty Italian burger (if there wasn't such a thing, there is now!)

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