Saturday, May 15, 2010

Whipped Cream real "homemade", and perfectly centered egg yolks!

Tip number one: "homemade" whipped cream

For those of you who think you would die without technology, here's one thing you don't have to worry about. You don't need a mixer to whip cream. How do you think they did it in the old days? If you don't have a mixer, or are out camping, or there is no electricity, or WHATEVER. Just put the cream in a sealed container......shake, shake, shake for 5 minutes. And whipped cream! (of course, most people just buy cool whip so, never mind!)

Tip number two: Centered egg yolks

I love boiled eggs. I use them in lots of stuff, but I hate-especially when making deviled eggs-when the yolk is right at the edge and it just falls apart. I wish I could get the yolk in the middle of the white for easy handling and filling. It would make it more balanced too. So, Cuisine at home came up with a genius solution, and I don't even know how they thought to try this. 24 hours before you hard boil your eggs, rubber band the carton shut on each end, and lay the whole carton on it's side in the fridge. And for some reason, the yolks will be centered.

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